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Council Business

War Memorial Grass

The war on the moss has started!

Published: 19 April 2024

Image of cut grass

As some of you will have noticed the “grass” around the war memorial has significant areas of moss in it. A couple of weeks ago Tom started to treat the grass which will have killed off some of the moss. Today he has scarified the grass. Anyone familiar with this process will know that it produces lots of material and that the grass will look very thin and bare following this. However,  it is the moss and dead material that has been removed and this has allowed space for new seed and eventually new grass to take over the previously mossy areas. Several more treatments may be needed to fully kill off the moss but doing the work now, very early in the growing season, will allow the grass to be fully in place, later in the year.

Thank you to Tom’s father who helped him work on the war memorial, as a volunteer.

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